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Relating to Deep Inward Thought Rather Than Intellect; or, This is What I'm Talking About
11 May - 30 June 2019
Sounds Like. group show, Town Hall Gallery, Melbourne
7 - 30 January 2015
solo show, Firstdraft, Sydney
Artist statement:
Relating to deep inward thought rather than intellect is the definition of the word visceral. I wanted to make an environment that deliberately became it’s description in the simplest of means: a work that was experience physically first, then intellectually. In exploring this idea, I was drawn to the audio phenomenon binaural tones. Here, two sounds very close together in frequency are interpreted by the brain as one pulsating sound instead of two. In the brain’s inability to differentiate between the two sounds, the vibrations can be felt physically as it begins to subconsciously relax the body. Used as a New Age treatment for insomnia, pain-relief and a meditation tool among many others, binaural tones are an interesting example of how music (sound) transforms the physical body – and indeed how the body changes the sound. From here, I was drawn to the use of music in numerous religious ceremonies. Sound is again used to transform, in attempt to bring the listener closer to divinity, while smoke and scent are also used to purify and sanctify (and added here to enhance the ‘visceral’).