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The Closest Thing to Your Body

1-2 August 2015
Underbelly Arts Festival, Cockatoo Island, Sydney

Artist statement:
“I always tried hard to understand his music. He said, your brain is filled with too much crap; you need to wash it out. Music doesn’t need to be understood; music is the closest thing to your body.”
– from Candy by Mian Mian

The Closest Thing to Your Body is an investigation of the role of music in the nightclub. It explores the physicality of sound and it’s communication with the body, what it does to our flesh and our emotions, and why. The work is not only about the process of hearing – the way the external sound is internalised and processed by the brain – it is about the physicality of sound and it’s communication with the body. The music played in clubs is varied – both currently and throughout their inception in the 1920’s. What is it about music that does this to our bodies?